Your Horoscope

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Janaury 2025 by Kenny Corrishoroscope

Aries: Start this year as you mean to continue it. With Mars, your assertive planetary leader in a slow, profound retrograde, progress may be slowed down. The Full Moon in Cancer on the 13th brings you something you desire: wait and see!

Taurus: Venus and Pisces are in cahoots from January 11th. Focus on changing those dreams and aspirations into a reality. You need to look deeply inside yourself and have faith. Neptune is the leader of Pisces and has an ever watchful eye over you!

Gemini: Venus is conjunct with your North Node and the New Moon is in the eighth house of Capricorn. Both are indicating a stronger energy over financial matters on all levels. It could be success with a loan, a windfall or a that a gamble finally pays off!

Cancer: Don’t let a difference of opinion divide you and your family. Though you may like to leave your shell to give someone a nasty nip, it really isn’t worth it. Tensions have arisen because your sign is conjunct with a retrograde Mars calling the shots!

Leo: Your planetary leader, the Sun enters Aquarius on the 19th of the month with attention moving to the eleventh house of friendships and networking. Long term goals are favoured, but this is a time to give group activities the benefit of the doubt too.

Virgo: Virgos constantly thrive on perfection and this month it appears that many blocks have caused you to make alternative plans. With assertive Mars in retrograde in Cancer, progress is slow, but it’s better than nothing and you didn’t move the goalposts anyhow!

Libra: Time to focus on a relationship of the heart that is brought about by a romantic Venus entering Pisces in league with the Karmic North Node. Time to make a decision based on your deepening spiritual energies and which way you really wish to go.

Scorpio: The New Moon in Capricorn, compatible with Taurus, highlights long distance travel for either business or pleasure this month. Expect the unexpected when it comes to the yet unknown destination. Energies are favourable to make this trip!

Sagittarius: Sibling rivalry appears to be getting worse rather than better and now something has to be done. Cancer is influencing retrograde Mars bringing frustration, jealousy and anger. Someone has to swallow their pride but won’t give in without a fight!

Capricorn: A Paradigm Shift is in the 2nd house of personal finance this month. A time to review and check your finances and all aspects of your financial dealings should be under the microscope, because something doesn’t add up somewhere along the line!

Aquarius: As the Sun leaves Capricorn a new interest is out there on the horizon, but it won’t gather momentum until the beginning of February. With your trusty leader Uranus shining a light on business, and your career plans, take things as they come: no hurry!

Pisces: Venus is exalted in Pisces and Neptune, your mysterious leader, is collaborating but playing his cards very close to his chest. The effect is that ideas and opportunities are being missed when this is a time for action: loud and clear!

As an Astrologer, Kenny has worked tirelessly for over forty years to produce quality Horoscopes Worldwide. He has received a major Award for his contribution to the Astrological Arts by being voted into the Top Twenty World’s Best Astrologers by the American Federation of Certified Psychics. He is awarded five stars as a Lightworker, and Psychic Medium. For personal readings/castings please call Kenny on: 686 361 594. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Confidential and Personal Reply Guaranteed! Online Readings: by Zoom, Skype,WhatsApp, Viber, FaceTime.