Summer Time

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charleworth femalefocusonline aug24 4I have just caught myself looking at a couple of old photos that I have in my office and it reminded me that this coming year will be my 25th year as a industry garden designer. It will be a very proud achievement in my life and it will also mark the 32nd year in my life involved with landscaping and building work.

charleworth femalefocusonline aug24 1As a Garden Designer it has always been my pleasure to create spaces that clients couldn’t even dream about, and sometimes it's the detailed things that I see that really makes the difference. My skill of being able to determine levels and spaces within a garden which do not exist at the point I originally see the space, and being able to create those for clients is very fulfilling. It's when those spaces and levels become defined that a garden space really comes to life, it's one of the most exciting points within the construction of a garden. It's the first time that the proverbial flesh starts to be added to the bones and gives the client a real tangible understanding of the space created.
This next year will also mark our 20th year of installing artificial grass.
I sometimes think that as a garden designer when I suggest artificial grass to some clients they think it makes me look incompetent, but it’s quite the opposite. As a designer that has been involved in the industry for nearly a quarter century and most of that time in Spain, dealing with scores of clients each year helps make you understand a market, what people want, need and are prepared to pay for. So, as someone who also knows gardens, it's just common sense. It’s as simple as that. Plain, simple, good advice. I have always told my clients the truth even when it's not what they want to hear. And the truth is, that for approx. 98% of all my clients artificial grass is the correct material to use, in the sense that: it's just as cheap to install at inception (providing you are prepping, irrigating and supplying the correct materials and products for a natural lawn), it is instant, it looks great for decades especially with some very basic care and it doesn’t cost the client a penny from the moment it's laid. What isn’t common sense about that.
As a pragmatist, as a designer and as a landscaper, artificial grass is and should be your only consideration if you want a beautiful all year round, maintenance free green lawn space in Spain, especially when set into a beautiful garden that still provides shelter and plants for nature and local wildlife to thrive in.