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SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER for CATHERINE the GREAT, 5 February 2025 Catherine the Great By Andrew Prince In 1762. Empress Catherine II was the sole ruler of the Russian Empire, creating the most glittering court in Europe, and became the world’s greatest collector. From the arts to architecture and dazzling jewels, her craving for cultivating and accumulating the finest items formed the nucleus of the St. Petersburg Hermitage Museum. The unknown secrets of Catherine’s lust for art and her private passions will be revealed!

WEDNESDAY, 5 MARCH 2025: Who’s Andy Warhol? By Alejandra Carazo. Andy Warhol is remembered as the king of pop art who embraced celebrity and consumerism, and would become an American icon. Yet there is a lesser-known side to him: the shy, gay son of immigrants whose prolific and experimental artistic practice enabled a counterculture that would play a part in transforming modern art. Don’t miss this incredible success story!

WEDNESDAY, 2 APRIL 2025: J.S. Lowry: A Visionary Artist By Michael Howard. L.S. Lowry is one of Britain’s most famous artists, known for his portrayal of the human condition. In this lecture, Michael will present the case that his work is the visual counterpoint of T.S. Eliot’s poetry and can be claimed as the British Van Gogh. Too much? Listen to this fascinating presentation and decide for yourself!

WEDNESDAY, 7 MAY 2025: Francis Bacon By Frank Woodgate. Until his death in 1992, Bacon was regarded as Britain's greatest 20th Century artist, and his dramatic images can be exquisitely beautiful and shocking at the same time. Perhaps more than any other artist, he captured the darkness at the heart of the human experience. Come to learn how his work explores abjection, nihilism and hope!

WEDNESDAY, 4 JUNE 2025: The Age of Jazz By Sandy Burnett. Jazz is one of music's most important genres: a fascinating blend of rigorous structure, creativity, close-knit ensembles and imaginative improvisation. Back by popular demand, a musicologist and gigging musician, Sandy will shed light on jazz from the inside. His talk covers the early years of jazz up to WWII. Swing by one of our most entertaining lectures of the season!

WEDNESDAY, 1 OCTOBER 2025: The Architecture of Mughal India By Dr. John Alexander. Before the British arrived in India, the subcontinent was ruled by the Mughal Emperors. The stunning architecture and gardens of the 16th and 18th Centuries. left an indelible stamp on India’s cultural landscape. John weaves a compelling story of one of the most prolific eras in our cultural history.

WEDNESDAY, 5 NOVEMBER 2025: Art of the 21st Century By Anna Moszynska. How do we make sense of the art of our time? Anna examines recent trends that define the art of the new millennium. New media and technology now means that art from around the world plays a major role in museum acquisitions. Find out why “relationship aesthetics” have emerged as key words in our comprehension of The Arts.

WEDNESDAY, 3 DECEMBER 2025: The Adoration of the Magi By Geri Parlby. They’ve adorned our Seasons Greetings and taken pride of place in our cribs and school nativity scenes. Centuries of artists have been provided with a chance to add a dash of exotic colour into their scenes of the birth of Christ. Did you know the legend of the Magi links them with the first Christian artists?

Lectures are held at La Senieta, Moraira at 11am and again at the Casa de Cultura, Jávea at 7.30 pm.
For more information please visit: www.artsocma.org.
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