Jalon Valley Help & The Entertainers Thank You Shows

Jalon Valley Help and the Entertainers kicked off their season of Thank You events with carols in the square on a cold and crisp Monday evening, 9th December, in the church square in Jalon.
This was the first of three events, when JVH provide mince pies/chocolates and soft drink/beer/wine and the Entertainers perform to say thank you to everyone in the community for their support throughout the year.
As the church clock struck 6pm the Entertainers began by wishing Merry Christmas Everyone. We settled in our seats to enjoy a feast of nostalgic Christmas songs, including Santa Claus is Coming to Town, I Wish it Could be Christmas Every Day, and carols with Gloria in Excelsis Deo and Silent Night. Feliz Navidad brought us back to the present before Pete, normally behind the sound & lighting console, changed the mood with a fun version of Dominik the Donkey.
Jo reminded everyone that the evening had been staged by Jalon Valley Help, our local medical support charity, who were most grateful for the support given throughout the year by our community. With your continuing support next year, at the shops/events or donations, JVH will be here to help anyone, irrespective of gender or nationality, who is in need in our community.
On behalf of JVH the Treasurer, Lorrie Harkness thanked the Entertainers for a wonderful show, the audience for their attendance on a cold evening. Article by Peter Sockett. Photo by Entertainers.