U3A Calpe events

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u3a calpe dec24U3A Calpe hold their usual social evening every two months at Yodel Bar.  This week saw an American themed event with some people coming kitted out in clothes representing thr USA. One couple had lovely socks!  Thr largest gathering there yet saw 35 people listening to some really great American songs from Mark and David on guitar with some audience members joining in.  We had some new members request to join and there was an activity involving maps which provided an opportunity to meet new people.  With both the President and the Catering Assistsnt with arms in plaster Shirley Forster, Alan Chuter and Irene Staveley were a great help.  Thanks to everyone for their support particularly our Treasurer, John Stafford and Photographer David Stockton. 

Next U3A event is Christmas Coffee and carols on 6 December. 

Check the web site for full details www.u3acalpe.org.