World's Biggest Coffee Morning

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macmillan qfocus femalefocusonline oct24 3Everyone is invited to the annual World's Biggest Coffee Morning for Macmillan Cancer Support to be held at Jolly's Bar in Quesada. This year the event will take place on Saturday 19th October from 10am until 3pm with many activities planned for the day to raise as much money as possible, whilst also making a fun day for all the family.

Along with the many delicious cakes that will be available to purchase, there will also be fund raising throughout the day. This will consist of a huge raffle, tombola, football cards, football predictor, Angel card readings by Taz for just €5 pp (she is donating all of the money taken to Macmillan), and Music bingo with Kev from 1.30pm.
There will also be a lot of fun games for both adults and kids like Hook a duck, a giant snakes and ladders, lucky dip and much more. And if the cakes available don't quite satisfy your hunger, the kitchen will be open serving breakfasts throughout the day.
macmillan qfocus femalefocusonline oct24 1Jolly's Bar are proud to officially be on the register to support Macmillan charity and all the fantastic work they do, which wouldn't be possible without the great organisation skills of Sarah Devonport and her helpers, both before and after the day. However after this year Sarah will be taking a well deserved break from Macmillan due to her forthcoming wedding that will no doubt take up too much of her time to be able dedicate fund raising events to Macmillan. From the start of Sarah's involvement in these fund raising events, up to and including last year, the total amount raised has surpassed an amazing €30,000 so let's all get involved in this last one for a while and make it a day to remember.
If anyone would like to contribute in this amazing cause by donating raffle prizes just pop them into the bar as soon as possible and your cakes on the morning of the 19th.
So put the date in your diary and come along to join in the fun and make a difference to other peoples lives.