Most people are aware what Moftag does in the way of fund raising for local charities with their Spring and Christmas Fayres, but there is another aspect of the club focusing on social events and assistance to their members.
Moftag began 45 years ago with the aim of bringing ladies together socially to share common interests and activities. Today we are still very much involved with our members on a social and personal basis.
Wednesday is Moftag day and every month the committee plans events starting with the General Meeting where we could have a guest speaker or enjoy a quiz or games afternoon. On the remaining Wednesdays we organise a lunch, a coffee morning, breakfast or an outing to somewhere outside of Calpe. Our members know that every Wednesday there will be an opportunity to get together with fellow members.
Many of our members are living on their own and some of them are now housebound due to ageing and illness but they remain members of Moftag and we try to offer those help and companionship wherever possible. We started a voluntary emergency list programme for those members whose families are living outside of Spain. If the families overseas cannot contact their family here for any reason they can contact us and we will go to their home and make sure everything is OK. Likewise if any of our members are hospitalised the committee arranges for visits and, support when they come home.
During Covid the social aspect became more difficult but knowing it was more important than ever for our members to have contact, the committee had a weekly roster whereby we each phoned our members for a chat and to make sure they were alright. We all found that we learned more about each other during that year than ever before!
Covid also prevented us from holding our fund raising fayre so we did a “virtual one” with on-line advertising for our home made cakes, sausage rolls, marmalades and pickles and some of the nice items from the Bric a Brac stall. We did a delivery service for those who were unable to collect items and still managed to raise a substantial amount of money!
If we have survived the political struggles during the Franco regime and the pandemic of Covid I think it is safe to say it will take a lot to keep us Moftag Ladies down!
We are always keen to have new members so please contact our president Jenny Godfrey at 639 139 518 for details of our next meeting or social event.
Article written by Anita Becker – committee member.