Denia U3A news
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Denia U3A cheque presentation
At the regular U3A Denia coffee morning in January, the President and Vice President, Richard and Cazzie Millington, presented a cheque for 1,000€ to the President of Denia Red Cross, Enrique Martinez, who was accompanied by Ariane from the Red Cross also. This money came from sales of various items made by members plus monies raised from raffles.
Picture by Julie MIllington.
Left to right are Richard, Ariane, Enrique and Cazzie.
Quiz night success
Another successful quiz night last night (24th Jan) - 68 members attended. Deniarros provided, yet again, a lovely tapas meal. It was a very close run competition amongst the 13 tables. In the end 1st Prize was won by "The Compleat Anglers", 2nd Prize by "Desperados" and the Table Quiz by "Stop Gaps". Questions presented by Cazzie - who will try to not get Astronauts confused with Astronomers another time - Galileo may feature in the Queen song but did not fly to the moon! Next Quiz 28th February (4th Wednesday of the month). See Denia U3A Website for all details. Carli Birchwood.