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ff cover femalefocusonline sept24Focus On Costa Blanca North Ed's Comments

August went from one extreme to the other with intense heat and then rain and hailstones. The rain was well received by most although it did nothing to help the dire situation of the reservoirs.

My sister and family were out at the time of the storms and had booked a sea kayak experience for that morning to visit some caves accessible only by sea. Being typically British from Yorkshire they set off through the rain and arrived at the beach as instructed to find it empty. They sent a WhatsApp asking if they were in the correct place and the company were truly concerned for their safety due to the weather. They had sent an email letting them know it had been cancelled due to the wind and rain. Of course to a Yorkshire family that was normal weather so it never occurred to them it wouldn't go ahead. They managed to get out later in their stay and had a great time. Whilst they were here they also hired a boat - yes, just a boat, no captain, just a boat. How is that even possible.... Again they thoroughly enjoyed themselves and could not understand my disbelief and need for regular proof of life messages.
Our grandson turned six at the end of the month and having been given strict instructions that the toy could not be noisy we got him an impressive archery set - the type with suckers on the end. Obviously he loves it. What could possibly go wrong......
Until next time, take care and be kind. Lesley.
Font cover photo by Zoë Degens, We Are Brave. Professional Photo & Videography.



qf cover femalefocusonline sept24QFocus On Costa Blanca South Ed's Comments

It's hard to believe the kids are back to school in the next week or so...the summer seems to have gone very quickly this year but let's hope the good weather continues for a while yet so we can still enjoy what we all came here for.

Unfortunately we were unable to get an actual holiday this year due to work and family commitments (and golf!), although we have managed to squeeze in a weekend to Mojacar in a few weeks time, when we intend to have a nice relaxing break and switch off from it all.
August brought a nice surprise to the family with the proposal from our son to his girlfriend…. yes she did accept! It's nice to have something to look forward to and although the big day will probably happen in 2026 the time will no doubt fly by as usual. So now it's a lot of wedding talk, planning and saving up to be done ...exciting times ahead.
Until next time... Michelle